As a member or supporter of the Company of HR Professionals we encourage all members to consider giving back to the profession in a variety of ways. One of those ways is to make regular donations or a one off donation to the Company's Charitable Trust.

Our charitable trust makes grants and donations to a variety of organisations or individuals to support. The Trustees are responsible for considering applications that meet the criteria of the Trust's Deeds. They are:

  • Advance education and training in developments in the practice of Human Resources, including methodologies to promote effective workplace culture.
  • Award prizes for innovation or excellence in human resource practice which support humanity at work.
  • Award bursaries and grants to support developments in workplace culture and other aspects of people management which improve working lives. This would be for the benefit of charities, community groups and other not-for-profit organisations.
  • Provide benevolence to charities who facilitate employment or re-entry into the workplace via training or the provision of tools and resources.
  • Support the City of London Corporation and the Lord Mayor of the City of London with their initiatives which create employment or improve working lives.

On average the Charity makes approximately 12 grants/bursaries per year to support a wide variety of causes, but this does vary and we obviously want to grow the Charity's ability to support more small charitable beneficiaries and their teams. For example, we have awarded small grants to JubyLee Bakes - 'special bakes by special people' a small start up CIO run with and by a group of young people with additional needs. We have also supported 'No Going Back' - which offers support for individuals released from prison to help them gain employment and stop re-offending. The Charity has also offered opportunities for individuals to undertake employment development courses.

All members of the Company are encouraged to make a donation to our charitable trust.  It is simple to do and all it takes is five minutes and your regular or one-off gift to make a difference. Using the form below you can set up your regular gift or one-off donation now. Remember, as a UK tax payer, to tick the Gift Aid box to help further boost the donation by 25%.

Please help us boost the Charitable Trust to allow us to support and give back to others.